This Website is About Geoengineering ("Chemtrails")
"Chemtrails" are plumes emitted by aircraft that have been determined to contain highly-toxic metals that are harmful to all life. This historic issue affects everyone.
Learn more about Geoengineering
Learn More About Geoengineering ("Chemtrails")
These links will help you understand chemtrails, their operations, and their purposes.
Please share links to these valuable resources with everyone you know.
(video) An excellent 10-minute primer on chemtrails and the effects they are having on the environment. |
(Official full-length video) This is the epic video that is educating the world about chemtrails. |
U.S. law allows testing of chemicals and biological agents on "civilian population". |
A collection of personal stories about chemtrails and their effects on our lives. |
A comprehensive list of chemtrail-related ailments and what you can do about them. |
(video) Have a hard time believing that governments test harmful chemicals on citizens? Think again. |
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Help Build Our Database of Water, Blood, and Dust Tests
We're collecting rainwater, drinking water, blood-metal tests, and dust tests.
In order to help expose the metallic assault that we are under, we provide the central place for you to display the results of your tests: Test Results Center
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We maintain a comprehensive collection of upcoming events.
Please enter your upcoming even in the Global Events Calendar so you get all the exposure your event deserves: The Global Events Calendar
Special Features
Help us raise awareness about chemtrails by sharing the following links with everyone you know. With your help, we can stop chemtrails.
Raggae Star Creates Chemtrail Video: "Cry Die"
Reggae star Skull has just released a new song and a music video about chemtrails. This video has the potential to reach millions. Please check it out now, then share it with everyone you know. |
"Trails of Treason" by Botolph-Dissidents
Metal group Botolph-Dissidents has released a single covering a myriad of subjects including chemtrails/geoengineering. If you like your music on the hard side, take a look. |
Interviews with Global Skywatch
Below are a few featured interviews with Global Skywatch.
You can see a comprehensive list of interviews here: Global Skywatch Interviews
Want to be interviewed on our PODCast? Contact us about a phone interview.
Related Articles, Videos, & Information